DIY Windows Screen Repair
Paige Hemmis is showing you how to save money by repairing your own screen.
- Window screen repair kit
- Spline (usually black plastic cording)
- Spline tool
- Tin snips/metal shears
- Roll of screen material
- Flat head screwdriver or an awl
- Scissors
- Utility knife
DIY Screen Repair - Home & Family
Paige Hemmis is showing you how to save money by repairing your own screens at home.
To Reuse frame:
1) Pry out the spline with a screwdriver or an awl. You may be tempted to reuse the old spine, but take it from me – DO NOT! It gets old and crusty, and won’t hold like new spline will, so splurge for new.it’s really inexpensive.
2) Secure the screen down on a flat surface. You can use clamps to keep it in place, or little wooden blocks to hold it into place.
3) Take your new roll of screen material and lay it over the frame. Leave an overlap of about 1”. Cut the screen material at an angle on each corner (to prevent it from bunching up when you lay it into the groove.
4) Using your screen rolling tool, push the spline and screen material into the groove, with the spline on top. Keep on going all the way around the other sides. Don’t worry if there are gaps or wrinkles in your screen – you can always pull out the spline, tighten it and try again. The process is very forgiving!
5) Take your utility knife and go around the entire frame to remove the excess screen material that sticks out past the spline. Make sure you have a NEW blade. A dull blade will pull and snag your nice new screen job!
6) Voila! Nice new screen for a fraction of the cost!
To make a frame from scratch:
1) Get an aluminum frame kit from your local hardware store. This should come with sides and four corner pieces.
2) Measure how big you need your screen to be, and cut that length with metal shears, keeping in mind that the corners add a bit to the length (each kit is different so check the manufacturer’s directions for that).