Cost of Windows Screen Replacement
Surface Book, Surface Book with Performance Base, Surface Pro 4, Surface Pro 3, Surface 3, Surface Pro 2, Surface Pro.
If you cracked the screen on your Surface, or if there’s other physical damage, you’ll need to send in your Surface to have it replaced.
There are two ways to send it in and find out how much it’ll cost:
What’s this going to cost?
If you purchased Microsoft Complete, you can use one of the two Accidental Damage Claims to repair or replace your Surface. If you don’t have Microsoft Complete, the cost depends on which Surface you have. To check your warranty status and find out how much it will cost, go to Device Center.
Cracked screens typically can’t be repaired. You’ll need to send your Surface tablet in to be replaced. If you’re able to turn on your Surface device, be sure to save any important files and info from your Surface to another computer, drive, or cloud storage service like OneDrive. For more info, see How to prepare your Surface for service.